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How to Study Math

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     Everyone needs to learn and study well! You will need to study something the rest of your life. Maybe you need to learn more about your religion, your drivers manual, or your budgeting. Being able to study and learn well might help you find the best driving route to Denver, conquer your favorite video game, showoff new dance moves, or maybe learn to juggle. It all takes some form or learning and studying.

     The better your career the more you will need to keep learning. Almost all professions require learning, paperwork, or a test for advancement. If you feel math or English test are stressful wait until your boss walks in and says, "I need a 30 page report on how to increase sales in the bootheel region on my desk by Monday or your fired." Many adults in your community will tell you that they would be better off financially if they studied more in school.

     A couple of my student-athletes might even get the chance to study a college or Professional playbook. Better know how to study! College and Pro football players spend three hours in the film room and the playbook sessions for every hour they are on the field. I have heard many ESPN analysist state that a certain athlete throws, runs, or blocks great he just does not yet have a good understand the offense. ( Translation: He gets little playing time because he never learned how to study.) Many players and even coaches need to study the rules of their sport. In a recent press conference, a NFL head coach admitted that he did not fully understand the overtime rules. Even super athletes must study! rc

General Study Tips for all Classes

1. Everything is easier if you have a motivation to learn and a good attitude.

2. Every subject you study requres concentration and organization. Put the cell phone and gaming device away. Have paper, pencil, book, and anything else you might need within reach.

3. Set small goal for your studying. Tell yourself you will study for thirty minutes before you turn on the TV.

4. Pay attention in class, and take your teacher's wisdom home in the form of notes and examples. If they wrote it on the board or showed you a video then it is probably going to be on the test. Recopy your notes at home.

5. Ask questions when you don't understand. Listen carefully to others who ask questions in class as they may have the same problems you will have.

Studying Mathematics

Math is Not a Spectator Sport, you must get involved!

1. Math is about concepts and not necessarily the problems. The concepts are related to you in the course and daily objectives. For example: 'The learner will solve quadratic functions and equations by using the factoring technique.' This is what you need to strive to understand that day; not necessarily problem number 17. The problems are just for practicing with the objective, and some problems are more difficult than others.

2. Learn the rules and concepts of math at each level (what does it mean, not just saying words and writing/drawing symbols). Don't just use the facts of math. Learn them deeply (both backward and forward, where possible and logical). That means do not be lazy, such as counting on your fingers. Not bothering to really absorb/learn such facts, applications and meanings properly will make more advanced math difficult or impossible, until you go back and learn the basics.

3. Learn the vocabulary words so they become natural to you. Math vocabulary is important, if your answer should be a binomial then it should not have three terms.

4. Try to work ahead in the assignments of math problems by your teacher. This may seem like extra work, but it will be an advantage.

5. Watch helpful videos when possible.

6. Have a plan of attack for each worded (story) problem. Decide what the problem really means and what kinds of operation will be needed. Don't just start adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing.

7. When possible draw diagrams, sketches, graphs of parts of the the math problem to be solved.

8. Study the back of book where problems are worked completely and the examples in each section before you start the homework.

9.Check your work, as you go and at the end of the quiz or test.

10.Ask for help from your Peers who understand.

11. Most importantly, alway's take John Cena's advice. BECAUSE YOU CAN LEARN MATH!!



Videos on How to study Math.

Many more all over Youtube!

Studying with Jessica

Lisa's study hints

Good tips

College Info Geek


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